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15th May 2017

Brownies’ woodland classroom

Englefield Estate’s Forestry Manager, Richard Edwards, created an outdoor classroom for the 2nd Burghfield Brownies to learn more about sustainable forestry.

The group aged between seven and 10 years old learned about the versatility of timber and its significance in our daily lives - in construction, furniture making and as fuel. They also heard about the importance of protecting our woodlands and the challenge of balancing commercial demand with the stability of woodland ecosystems.

Michelle Bolton, leader in charge of the Brownies, said: “Richard pitched his talk about the trees in just the right way to engage and inform the girls. Some facts even surprised me!”

Michelle added: “I think that it’s important to teach children about sustainable forestry so they grow up to value the world in which we live. On another level, it’s good to respect the trees and the countryside that we have so near to us”.

Richard Edwards said: “It’s really important for young people to understand the value of trees, woodlands and forests and this group were so engaged - which was really encouraging to see”.