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Covid-19: Supporting the Community

During the Covid-19 crisis, the Estate is here to assist wherever possible. The Estate Office is closed but the team are continuing to work as normal from home.

Our first priority is ensuring that the Estate is a safe and healthy place for all employees, contractors and visitors. We have undertaken Covid-19 risk assessments and our management policy can be found here.

We continue to support our local communities in West Berkshire and North Hampshire and working closely with a number of residents and businesses who have been affected by this crisis, in particular those living in and around the villages of Englefield, Theale, Mortimer, Mortimer West End and Burghfield.

The Estate team are also working with other local organisations, for example the Parish Council and Church in Englefield, who have come together to co-ordinate offers of assistance from local residents and businesses during a time where some people are finding it hard to access the help they need. 

The Englefield Charitable Trust is also one of a number of charities that has donated to the Greenham Trust’s work to establish an Emergency Fund for residents of West Berkshire.

For families and for people of all ages staying at home during this restricted period, the Estate is providing online learning resources to help keep minds and bodies active. In addition, we continue to welcome local residents to our woodlands, which remain open for daily exercise.  Details of these resources are available on our website and we are using our social media channels to help publicise them to wider communities  – www.englefieldestate.co.uk/community/outreach.

The Englefield Estate has a long history of supporting local communities and, as we have done for many hundreds of years, our dedicated staff will discretely and determinedly, make every effort to help those in need during this crisis and beyond.

If you wish to make contact, please email office@englefield.co.uk and the appropriate team member will respond.

You may also still call the Estate Office number and leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.

Please continue to use the Estate Yard number to report maintenance requests on 0118 930 2538 or email maintenance@englefield.co.uk.

We would like to wish you and your families all the very best at this challenging time and will assist wherever we can.